I knew there was more to this song, but I couldn't remember more than a few lines... Well, thanks to the wonder of the internet, now we can sing the whole thing. I've managed to hunt down four five different versions of this song, but sadly I have not been able to find the original source. Perhaps, like the worms themselves, it emerged fully-formed from the primordial ooze to brighten our lives. Okay now, sing loud, upbeat tempo, and if you miss a word, you gotta eat a worm!
Version I:
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me,
Guess I'll go eat worms,
Long, thin,
slimy ones; Short, fat,
juicy ones,
Itsy, bitsy,
fuzzy wuzzy worms.
Down goes the
first one, down goes the
second one,
Oh how they
wiggle and
Up comes the first one,
up comes the second one,
Oh how they
wiggle and squirm.
Version II:
Nobody likes me,
everybody hates me,
Think I'll go eat
Big fat juicy ones, Eensie weensy squeensy ones,
See how they wiggle and squirm.
Chomp off their
heads and squeeze out the
And throw their
tails away
Nobody knows how I survive
On worms three times a day.
Version III:
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me
I'm goin' down the
garden to
eat worms
Long thin slimy ones, short fat fuzzy ones
Ooey gooey, ooey gooey worms
Long thin slimy ones slip down easily
Short fat fuzzy ones don't
Short fat fuzzy ones
stick in your teeth
And the juice goes slurpin' (slurping noise) down your throat
Version IV:
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me,
think I'll go eat worms...
big fat juicy ones, little slimy skinny ones,
hope they don't have
Oops -- here's yet another variation:
Nobody likes me.
Everybody hates me.
I’m gonna eat some worms.
Long slim slimy ones,
Short fat juicy ones,
Itsy bitsy fuzzy wuzzy worms.
First you get a bucket.
Then you get a shovel.
Look how they wiggle and squirm.
First you pull the heads off.
Then you suck the guts out.
Oh, how they wiggle and squirm.
Down goes the first one.
Down goes the second one.
Look how they wiggle and squirm.
Up comes the first one.
Up comes the second one.
Oh, how they wiggle and squirm.
Everybody likes me.
Nobody hates me.
Why did I eat those worms?
Sources: http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/lyrics/worms.htm, various noders.
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