This writeup has been made useless by E2 scratch pad. Use it. LOVE IT.
Recently, I've seen several suggestions dealing with "Personal Nodespace" or someplace to keep notes to yourself, writeups you want to C! when votes reset, or writeups that you're working on. I've seen various attempts at this in various places, mostly they look like this:
Ignore this.
Bla bla blabitty bla random greeking If you're actually reading this good for you Shemp was my favorite stooge. This one time in chemistry class we did this minilab where we wrote some random thing on the chalkboard and then we figured out how many molecules of chalk we used. I wrote in really big shaded block letters SOY! SOY! SOY GIVES YOU STRENGTH! STRENGTH CRUSHES ENEMIES! SOY!. Everybody thought I was insane, it was pretty funny. IIRC it used somthing like .8 moles of CaCO3. anyway that's about enough giberish. I think. no, it's really not, so I'm just going to cut and paste it once or twice more: Bla bla blabitty bla random greeking If you're actually reading this good for you Shemp was my favorite stooge. This one time in chemistry class we did this minilab where we wrote some random thing on the chalkboard and then we figured out how many molecules of chalk we used. I wrote in really big shaded block letters SOY! SOY! SOY GIVES YOU STRENGTH! STRENGTH CRUSHES ENEMIES! SOY!. Everybody thought I was insane, it was pretty funny. IIRC it used somthing like .8 moles of chalk. anyway that's about enough giberish. I think. no, it's really not, so I'm just going to cut and paste it once or twice more:
Anyway, that's not really private or secure, so it might be OK for nodes, but you may want to keep that other stuff to yourself. I've also used the above technique yerricde describes, self /msging, but that's not really practical for full-length nodes. Perhaps you want to store Passwords or an address book in a way that won't go away. Or you might want to put notes to yourself in writeups, or to others in public accounts. Anyway, here's a way to do that and more:
Put whatever you want to store in an img tag. For example, to store the text "Hooray for boogers" in a way that only you can see it, put the following text anywhere:
<Hooray for boogers>
Since E2 does not support the "Hooray for boogers" HTML tag, the engine removes the offending line of code. However, the database has no problem with it, so it's stored. When you look the writeup back up, you see the code. But, of course, nobody else does. Whatever you do, though, don't put a writeup somewhere and use it just for a note to yourself, this is a Bad Thing. To make a note that won't even make a bubble in the nodespace, so that nobody (except Gods... They can view the code for any node. But I trust them and you should too.) can even detect it's existence, put it under your User Bio in your homenode. This way, you don't get downvotes on your apparently blank writeup.
Just a handy little tip for enhancing your Everything2 experience.