George Spelvin Day

American Enterprise Day

Feast of St. Malo

2349 BC-- Born -- Methuselah
878 AD -- Died -- St. Fintan of Rhienau (feast day)
1136 -- Died -- St. Leopold, Prince of Austria (feast day)
1280 -- Died -- St. Albert the Great (feast day)
1533 -- Spaniards entered the Incas' holy city, Cuzco
1630 -- Born -- Johannes Kepler
1777 -- Articles of Confederation adopted by the Continental Congress
1806 -- Pike's Peak discovered
1819 -- Died -- Daniel Rutherford
1864 -- Burned -- General Sherman at Atlanta, Georgia
1881 -- Born -- Franklin Pierce Adams
1887 -- Born -- Marianne Moore (poet)
1889 -- Born -- Manoel II, King of Portugal
1896 -- Power from Niagara Falls turned on in Buffalo, New York
1897 -- Born -- David McCord (poet)
1907 -- "Mutt and Jeff" comic strip first appeared
1932 -- Born -- Petula Clark (Sally Olwen)
1939 -- Cornerstone of the Jefferson Memorial laid
1945 -- Venezuela joined the United Nations
1960 -- George Washington, first U.S. nuclear-powered submarine, began its maiden voyage
1999 -- Transit of Mercury

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