Last night I found a way to makeup for profit shortfalls (as far as projections) in my small business operation. This operation involves re-appropriating medication from the poor, sick, and old so I can sell them to middlemen who distribute the product at a profit to recreational users.

What I did was start a gig at an underground club where I sit on a stone floor in a pit, naked except for a way too small sailor suit top I was asked to wear. Around the pit is a metal railing about five feet up. I was instructed to begin masturbating while sitting on the floor like a toddler and holding a rattle. I was asked to shake the rattle periodically after men in nice suits entered and stood around the railing, watching me, cheering, and laughing.

A horn was sounded and they all produced their weiners. Then they began urinating together, fifty of these men, directly on me as I sat in childlike way in the pit. They called me many names. "Dickhead," "Faggo," and "Jerk it Like Ya Want It" were popular. At the end I was given a bag of heroin that I then passed on to my middlemen in exchange for $500. Three more nights of this and I will make up for the profit shortfalls before month's end.

I did not whine. I did not cry. I did what was necessary for success.

This is what it means to be a successful businessman. Learn it. Know it. Be it. You can do it.

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