Here are a few more drabbles. There aren't that many this time, because this semester I've been riding my bike to school, rather than taking the bus, meaning I've had less "sit around idly texting drabbles to myself" time. The rest of this paragraph will consist of gibberish to make the word count 100 to keep in the spirit of things. Balloons skeletons postmortem photography Dracaena cinnabari Sirrah, Dost Thou Even Hoist? Chalk cats blue beef pants beagle satyr australopithecus The latter half of this paragraph really has no point, but this is a matter of symmetry.


The first thing she saw when she entered the house was a dog lying on the livingroom sofa.

She scowled and rearranged the groceries in her arms. Her brother knew how she felt about dogs on the furniture.


The dog sat up, and then kept on going. It warped and shifted until an entirely human boy was sitting in its place.

"No dogs on the sofa," she said.

"Yeah yeah," he muttered.

"Help me put these away and we can go to the park later."

He brightened considerably and took one of the bags.

They went into the kitchen.


Mariette has a superpower, though she doesn't much care for it.

“It’s stupid,” she said, picking up a seashell. She whispered something into it, then she gave it to me. When I put it to my ear, I heard her voice saying,

"It’s not very impressive.”

"Better than mine," I said. I pointed to the ocean. A second later, a giant flaming meteor filled up the sky and splashed far out into the water. Steam rose up like smoke.

"I never get to use mine." I gave her the shell back. "Can you make it say swears?"


She found a glass bottle half-buried in the sand. It was old, with a lid connected by a string. She unscrewed the top, and a puff of smoke trickled out. A small, scaly, and (frankly) ugly head poked out.

"Hey!" it said. The head sprouted a gray, spindly body wearing shorts. The imp climbed partway out of the bottle. "Put my roof back!" He pointed to the lid. "After that, throw my house back. I'm trying to get to Maui."

"Oh, alright. Sorry," she said.

He vanished. She replaced the lid and threw the bottle into the ocean.


Grandma's been on a knitting kick, and now our house is filled with misshapen hats and ugly sweaters.

"I can't stop," she said, stuffing the cat into a lumpy sweater. "I think I have a problem. Here," she gave me a big box of knitted clothes. "Donate these somewhere."

And then she kicked me out the door.

I would've thrown them away, but a gremlin came out of nowhere and said, "Hey, you need those?

"Nope." I gave him the box. He grinned and took out a hat and then, still smiling, ate it.

"Thanks!" he said.


Dear OSU Medical Center,

I have a suggestion for Stoneridge Women's Health in Dublin ... whenever the facility is ready for a decor change, could I suggest that whoever redecorates the place not focus quite so much on the baby pictures?

At present, the waiting room and most if not all of the exam rooms are decorated with large B&W photo posters of babies, pregnant women, etc.

While I agree that these photos are aesthetically pleasant from many perspectives, they're fairly depressing for those of us who want children but cannot have them, and are pretty brutal for any patients who want very much to have children but have found out they must terminate their pregnancies or who have just suffered miscarriages.  And considering how many pregnancies end in miscarriage, that's a sizable number of patients who get to miserably stare at a picture of a cute, cute baby in the waiting room for thirty minutes. The kind of baby they want so bad and may never get to have.

An alternate suggestion: pictures of flowers. Flowers are nice.  

Thanks for considering those of us who are just there for the gynecological services and not the obstetrics.

Best wishes,

This node should be filled with sonnets! Or

perhaps left as blank as this verse is and

is not. Maybe there's five more of you out

there who would like to play a game? I am

thinking something small, not quite the formal

constraint or else perhaps over the lim

it just slightly?



Things I have learned:

  • Daylogs are lifesavers
  • Poetry is difficult to write
  • Ideas are difficult to find under pressure: I should never become a novelist, for the sake of my sanity
  • E2 is a crazy, awesome place



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