This is Itzhak Rabin's last speech, delivered on November 4th, 1995 at the peace rally in Tel-Aviv moments before he was assassinated:
Let me tell you that I'm moved to be here. I would like to thank each of you, that came here to stand against violence and for peace. This government, which I have the honor of leading, together with my friend Shimon Peres, has decided to give a chance to peace, a peace that will solve most of the problems of the state of Israel. I was a soldier for 72 years. I fought when peace was not possible. I believe now peace is possible, this is a great opportunity and it must be pursued for the sake of those who stand here, and those who don't stand here, and they are many.
I always believed most of the
Israeli people want peace, and are ready to take a risk for peace. And you, by standing here tonight, prove together with many others who are not here, that the people do want peace and reject violence.
Violence undermines the basis of the Israeli democracy. It must be condemned, rebuked, isolated. This is not the way of the state of
Israel. There is a
democracy, there might be disagreement, but decisions will be made in democratic elections, as there were in 1929 and gave us the mandate to do what we do and continue doing it.
I would like to say, that I'm proud to have here representatives from the countries with which we live in peace: Egypt, Jordan and Morocco, which opened the way to peace. I would like to thank the president of Egypt, the King of Jordan and the King of Morroco for being represented here and for expressing their partnership with us on the march for peace, but above all - the Israeli people, in more than 3 years of this current government, has proved that peace can be achieved; that peace leads to an advanced economy and society; that peace is not just in the prayers. Peace begins in the prayers, but it is the ambition of the Jewish people - a true ambition for peace.
There are enemies to the peace, which try to hurt us with the purpose of destroying peace. I would like to say, clearly: we have found a partner for peace also among the palestinians - the PLO, which was an enemy and has stopped the terror. Without partners for peace there is no peace. We will demand that it do its share in the peace, as we will do our share in the peace, to solve the most complex and emotional element in the Arab-Israeli conflict: the Palestinian-Israeli.
It involves difficulties, and pain. There is no way for Israel without pain. The way of peace is better than the way of war. I'm telling you this as someone who was a soldier and minister of defense, and sees the pain of the families of the fallen soldiers. For them, for our children - and our grandchildren, in my case - I would like this government to pursue every opportunity to advance and reach comprehensive peace. There will also be a possiblity of achieving peace with Syria. This rally must tell the Israeli people, the Jewish people around the world, many people in the Arab world and in other countries, that the Israeli people wants peace and supports peace - and for this I thank you deeply.
Freely Translated from the Hebrew. Source: