This eulogic poem was written by A.C. Swinburne in 1881 after these two other Victorian writers, George Eliot and Thomas Carlyle had died. This is a sample of his poetry from Watts-Dunton's house The Pines, in Putney where he retired, after much pressure from his friends. They patronizingly wanted to keep him from the "excitements of London life." He was known for his rhythmical strength more than his poetical imagination. It could refer to many who we have lost here as well.

Two souls diverse out of our human sight
   Pass, followed one with love and each with wonder:
   The stormy sophist with his mouth of thunder,
Clothed with loud words and mantled in the might
Of darkness and magnificence of night;
   And one whose eye could smile the night in sunder,
   Searching if light or no light were thereunder.
And found in love of loving-kindness light.
Duty divine and Thought with eyes of fire
Still following Righteousness with deep desire
   Shone sole and stern before her and above,
Sure stars and sole to steer by; but more sweet
Shone lower the loveliest lamp for earthly feet,
   The light of little children, and their love.

---Algernon Charles Swinburne

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