Released on 18 September 1997, PINCH ~love me deeper~ took a step away from Chinen Rina's usual style. This more danceable and low tempo song is probably not as interesting as Rina's singles before or after. Her amazing and clear vocals are up to par with the rest, but the composition of the song is dull compared to precious delicious and DO-DO FOR ME. Singles since have also been more musically interesting than this song.

The c/w song is called PRIDE+JOY. This song is much better in comparison to PINCH. PRIDE+JOY could have definitely stood as a single and is decidedly more interesting than PINCH. It should have been the A-side song in this coupling. PRIDE+JOY was performed as a sort of finale at her Growing Tour 1999. When she talked about her pride and joy, she gestured to her fans. This is probably Rina's first song saying Thank you.

There is a backing track included for both songs, another indication that the c/w song PRIDE is strong. This is Rina's first single that included a backing track for both songs.

Though PINCH may not have been as interesting as the other singles by Chinen Rina, her classic vocals and the variety it offers makes it worth a listen. And PRIDE+JOY is a great pop anthem. It's a song of great happiness and excitement.

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