phrase is usually
uttered by an
innocent bystander after they witness an event that they think contains
Freudian symbolism or
Freudian slippage, e.g. :
Penny: Buck, I think of you as a brother. Look at this gift I have brought you.
Buck unwraps highly phallic African fertility sculpture.
Bystander (in intercom voice) : Paging Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud...
Buck: Yes, I think of you as a slut - sorry, sister, also.
Bystander (in intercom voice) : Paging Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud...
This happens mostly on TV/Movies, when the scriptwriters have the time to write in that kind of spontaneous phrase, but it has been known to be used in real life. A google search for this phrase will yeild around 340 matches. Origins of the phrase are currently unknown.