Parafilm is a film production company based in Bucharest, Romania. They produce a wide variety of projects from video advertisments to full fledged movies, with the capability to shoot anywhere in Europe. The company specializes in horror and movies set in older times.

Many of their productions are docudramas, made for TV series.

Their sets include castles, cathedrals, desserts, mountains, and old European cities.

1994 – Draculas Schatten (Dracula's Shadow)
1995 - Visions Of Immortality
1995 - Okologische Terror (Ecological Terror)
1995 - Wundern (Wonders)
1995 - Satan
1995 - Die Damonen (The Demons)
1996 - Quo Vadis I
1996 - Nero - Pladoyer Fur Eine Bestie (Nero - The Story of a Monster)
1996 - Galilei (Galileo)
1996 - Holocaust
1996 - Geheimniswolle Orkel (Cryptic Oracles/Ancient Predictions)
1997 - Karl Der Grosse (Charles The Great)
1997 - (Schiffebruch Der Batavia (Batavia)
1997 - Der Sintflut (The Flood)
1998 - Die Liebenden Vom Nil (The Nile Fever)
1998 - Tempelberg (The Mountain Temple)
1998 - Udet, Der Flieger (Udet, The Aviator)
1998 - Richard Lowenhertz (Richard the Lionheart)
1999 - Tod Um Mittelnacht (The Misery of the Romanovs)
1999 - Die Phonizier - Nomaden Des Meeres (The Phoenicians)
1999 - Nostradamus - Gaukler Des Himmels (Nostradamus)
1999 - Quo Badis II
1999 - 2000 Jahre Christentum (2000 Years of Christianity)
2000 - Der Sud Pol (The South Pole)
2000 - Die Jesuiten (The Jesuits)
2000 - Der Aachener Dom (The Cathedral of Aachen)
2000 - Atlantis
2000 - Cape Horn
2000 - Venusdurchgang (The Passing of Venus)

Parafilm is also a versatile plastic wrap made by Pechiney Plastic Packaging.

Three types of Parafilm are produced:

All purpose laboratory film - A thermoplastic, strechable, moisture-resistant plastic wrap. It can be used as a bandage cover, a cover for test tubes or a shelf liner to prevent glass objects from slipping.

Grafting tape - Used in the nursery and at home by garderners. It is used in conjunction with usual grafting products, as a tape over top. It allows gases to pass through while acting as a moisture barrier.

Florist stem wrap - Very strechy, waterproof, polyolefin plastic wrap. It is used for corsages, floral novelties and wedding bouquet stems. It seals in the flowers moisture, extending its life. It is available in green, white and brown.


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