A process in which good friends, people who trust each other and are invested in each other, get together to discuss issues that are controversial and relevant to their lives. For example, serious health issues and domestic violence are both ongoing issues that many people have to deal with, either up close or a little more removed. For example, because domestic violence is common (meaning that most people have some experience with it) and because it is complicated, it is also very difficult for people to talk about it. PG process is the idea that the social/dependance circle (friends, housemates, people who are tight with each other) discusses questions relating to the issue (sample questions for domestic violence – what does emotional violence look like? How would individuals like their friends to deal with them if they were in a relationship that seemed abusive? What is inappropriate intervention? etc.) The points to the PG process are -
a) We and our friends are the ones who know the most about how we want to be living our lives. We are the experts we need.

b) We are in the best position to address our needs. Social services, courts, and cops aren’t good at solving problems.

c) These conversations are best had with people who know and trust each other, so that potential misunderstandings are followed up on, and explored, rather than just being dropped, glossed over, or accepted.

d) We don’t usually take time to discuss these things with each other, so we need to be encouraged to set dates with each other so that when crisis happens, we’re more prepared.

e) There are both controversial and personal aspects to the topics involved, and both these aspects should have equal time. Focusing too much on the personal makes the conversation tend to be either too comfortable or too scary. Focusing on the political controversy doesn’t help actually address people’s needs.

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