(also called Rational Zeros Theorem)

Let there be a polynomial P(x) = c0x0 + c1x1 + ... + cnxn with integer coefficients (in other words, the polynomial is an integer polynomial, or belongs to Z[x]). If there exists a rational root p/q in lowest terms, then p|c0 and q|cn.

c0x0 + c1x1 + ... + cnxn = 0
c0(p/q)0 + c1(p/q)1 + ... + cn(p/q)n = 0
c0p0qn + c1p1qn-1 + ... + cnpnq0 = 0 * qn
c0p0qn + c1p1qn-1 + ... + cn-1pn-1q1 = -cnpn
q divides left hand side, therefore q|cnpn.
By a corollary of Euclid's First Theorem, q|cnpn ⇒ q|cn.
Similarly it can be shown that p|c0.

This also proves the square root of any positive integer is either integral or irrational as a special case.

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