Red Hat Linux is a commercial distribution of linux, a free Unix-like operating system. It is intended to be simple to install, use, and maintain. It provides an easy-to-use installer, and integral to its ease of use is the Redhat Package Manager, or RPM. You can either pay for some flavor of the commercial package, which includes printed documentation and several CD-ROMs, or download an ISO or individual files from their web or ftp site, or from one of the many mirrors.

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As time has gone by, Red Hat Linux has become more and more easy to install and use. Red Hat has bundled more and more software with the OS over time. Red Hat also provides an update service, available on a subscription basis. However, it is quite possible to update Red Hat manually, based on installing new RPM files.

Different distributions of linux have different feels to them. Redhat feels more like SVR4 than it does BSD, and is configured (more or less) in the same way.

While the bundled software attached to Red Hat Linux does make life easier, saving you the trouble of having to hunt packages down and compile them, they have also caused the product to come under fire for being both shovelware and bloatware. The default set of installed software has increased dramatically in size over the years.

On the plus side, however, Red Hat Linux has become something of a standard in the linux world. It is one of the most-used linux distributions, and as such it is very easy to find precompiled software, and to get help with the system. The actual Red Hat site can often be less than useful, but there are many websites upon which one can get help and information.

Like most package managers, RPM allows installation, updating, and removal of packages, as well as dependency chains. There are both RPM and SRPM, packages; SRPMs are a package containing source code and build instructions so that packages can be built on your system.

The latest version of Red Hat Linux, 8.0, has caused significant contraversy among numerous camps, including those persons who manage KDE and Gnome, and Linux afficionados by skinning KDE and Gnome to look essentially the same. The idea (called Bluecurve) is to give a uniform appearance to the desktop regardless of what window managing environment you are using. Naturally, you can change it to look like anything you like through the usual facilities. Other than this there is relatively little new here; Redhat now uses gcc 3.2, perl 5.8.0, apache HTTP server 2.0, and XFree86 4.2.0. Like other distributions it comes packaged with the office suite, Mozilla web browser, and the Ximian Evolution email client.

Red Hat Linux 8.0 is Linux Standards Base 1.2 (LSB 1.2) Certified.


  1. Redhat Linux 8.0 Features and Benefits. RedHat, 2003. (

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