A sci-fi paradox. We know that red shirts from the original star trek series must die if they are in combat or within 20 miles of anything even remotely dangerous. In Star Wars the stormtroopers never hit anything (ok they hit the walls/floors/etc.. but never what they are shooting at.)

So if an away team of redshirts were to get into a fight with some stormtroopers, the redshirts would have to die but the stormtroopers are incapable of killing anyone.

The solution is obvious: The two groups would merge into one gestalt entity, the Red Shirted Stormtroopers. Whenever they fired, the shot would bounce back and kill them instantly.

The red shirts would go down. Storm troopers can hit people, they are only forced to miss Main Characters. This leaves room for Obi-Wan's sage comment: "Only Imperial troops fire with such accuracy."

You see, the jawas weren't main characters...

Alternatively, the red shirts kill all of the stormtroopers without suffering a scratch, then die to a hundred different inane causes. Red shirts are permitted to be effective - they just have to die sooner or later.

Also see

Ah, Fushi Ryu, your law-of-inverse-ninjas-esque version bears much explanatory power. This is why the lone stormtrooper in the battle of Endor is able to shoot Leia, but when there was a whole battallion of them she was safe.

On the other hand, a lone red shirt is in just as much trouble as a horde of them.

It's not that Storm Troopers cannot hit anything. There is the Storm Trooper Effect, which states: The accuracy of Storm Troopers is proportionally inverse to the number of Storm Troopers. The Red Shirts operate on a similar principal, being that the more of them there are, the faster they are killed.

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