Village in South Africa, close to the southern border of Lesotho.

Known to be the skiing destination in South Africa, mostly by default. Other pastimes in Rhodes are hunting, trout fishing and hiking. The only hotel is antique, was recently electrified and is one of the very few places in the area with a non-shared phone line. Rhodes is a bit off the beaten track, which means that off-season, room keys are optional. Recommended: a game of pool on the non-euclidic pool table.

Rhodes, an island in the Mediterranean, appertaining to Asiatic Turkey, near the coast of Asia Minor; is 40 miles long, with a breadth of 18 miles at its widest point; area, 570 square miles; pop. about 30,000.

Rhodes, the capital of the island of Rhodes, situated at its N.E. extremity. It is defended by towers about 800 feet distant from each other, while in the center of the mole there is a square bastion 120 feet high. It was at this entrance to the harbor of this city that stood the celebrated Colossus of Rhodes. Pop. about 10,000. The ancient Rhodes was taken possession of by a branch of the Doric race, who held it at the time of the Trojan war, 1184 B.C. It was of small political importance among the states of Greece till the city of Rhodes was build and made the capital of the island, 408 B.C. It was taken by Chosroes II., King of Persia, in 616; by the Saracens in 651; and by the Knights of St. John, Aug. 15, 1309. Mohammed II. besieged it ineffectually in 1480, and the Sultan Solyman I. compelled it to capitulate after a vigorous siege that lasted from June to December, 1522.

Entry from Everybody's Cyclopedia, 1912.

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