Group of islands in the Caribbean Sea, just north of Grenada. Independent of the United Kingdom since 1979. Banana growing and tourism are the biggest industries.

St. Vincent, one of the British islands in the West Indies, Windward Group, 105 miles W. of Barbadoes; area, 132 square miles; pop. 41,054. The island is traversed from N. to S. by a chain of volcanic mountains, which rise in the volcano called the Souffriere to 3,000 feet. Many of the valleys are fertile, and the shores are rich and productive. The climate is healthy. The chief town is Kingstown at the head of a bay on the S.W. coast. The island is ruled by a governor and a nominated legislative council of eight members; previous to 1877 it had a representative government. St. Vincent was discovered by Columbus in 1498.

Entry from Everybody's Cyclopedia, 1912.

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