Hooks were snagged under his shoulder blades. Detective Ron hung from the ceiling, a couple of feet above a flooded floor covered with spikes protruding from the floor. There was electricity running loose in every which direction. Detective would have to hang where he was, learning to have patience or he could freak out and cause him to be electrocuted. On the way to his rescue, his wife was on her way. She had obstacles to go through. Ron’s wife, Irene is to learn how to be decisive and stop procrastinating.
Clink clank, sounds of metal against metal. Her skin is cold and pale; she lies deathly still on the concrete floor. There is a jagged cut near her temple, the markings of a rock or blunt knife. Dried blood has matted her hair up in knots and was smeared on her cheek. Her slowly rising chest indicated that she was still alive. She had to breathe shallowly through her mouth since her nose was stuffed up from all her previous crying. The tears she cried left her face stained and her eyes swollen.
Clink clank, it was that sound again. It didn’t matter if she opened her eyes or not because it was dark all around her. Rustle rustle, the sound of something heavy dragging on the floor. Mental images of someone walking with chains dragging greeted her imagination and another image of someone small dragging a body bigger than itself. A rotten scent lingered in the air, it gave her a nauseating sensation because it was a foul smell like of the dead. A pause in the rustling and several different sounds followed.
There was a drawn out ‘ugh’ like an injured moan with crack, snap, crunch, crunch, squish-squish, slush, slurp, munch that brought about a heavy feeling in her gut. Those sounds painted a picture of bones breaking and guts being devoured in her mind. This was another moment in life that her imagination sharpened her senses and used them against her. She kept hoping and praying that this was all just a bad dream which caused her to start whimpering. The more she tried to bite her tongue and keep attention away from her, the louder her whimpers got. Soft pitter platter muted on the ground in her direction, attention was now on her.