This movie, written and directed by Paul Mazursky, stars Woody Allen and Bette Midler as a Californian couple sending their teens off to camp and heading to the mall to buy sushi for their 16th wedding anniversary dinner. At the mall he confesses to a recent affair, then she confesses, and in food courts and on escalators they laugh, they cry, they breakup and makeup. It's light but fun.

Unlikely as it sounds, the chemistry between Allen and Midler is great, and it is amusing to see Allen embody the SoCal culture he lambasts elsewhere. He has a ponytail! He drives a minivan! He's married to Bette Midler! A goofy turning-on-its-head that shows Allen doesn't take himself that seriously after all.

This movie was almost universally panned when it was released in 1991, perhaps in part because it feels more like a play than a movie; it's a character study of a couple dealing with infidelity and the possibility of divorce and would work well on the stage. But even in this form it is not an unmitigated disaster. Not a movie to go out of your way to watch, but if you find it, as I did, the feature movie on a commercial-free network, give it a try. It's an amusing enough diversion with a few good laughs.

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