Glossary of Scottish Dialect : F

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

These definitions are taken from the “Glossary of Scottish Dialect” from The Harvard Classics volume 6, “The Poems and Songs of Robert Burns,” 1909. The volume is in the public domain. Aside from their inherent interest, they are valuable to anyone reading the work of Burns.

Fa’, fall.
Fa’, lot, portion.
Fa’, to get; suit; claim.
Faddom’d, fathomed.
Fae, foe.
Faem, foam.
Faiket, let off, excused.
Fain, fond, glad.
Fainness, fondness.
Fair fa’, good befall! welcome.
Fairin., a present from a fair.
Fallow, fellow.
Fa’n, fallen.
Fand, found.
Far-aff, far-off.
Farls, oat-cakes.
Fash, annoyance.
Fash, to trouble; worry.
Fash’d, fash’t, bothered; irked.
Fashious, troublesome.
Fasten-e’en, Fasten’s Even (the evening before Lent).
Faught, a fight.
Fauld, the sheep-fold.
Fauld, folded.
Faulding, sheep-folding.
Faun, fallen.
Fause, false.
Fause-house, hole in a cornstack.
Faut, fault.
Fautor, transgressor.
Fawsont, seemly, well-doing; good-looking.
Feat, spruce.
Fecht, fight.
Feck, the bulk, the most part.
Feck, value, return.
Fecket, waistcoat; sleeve waistcoat (used by farm-servants as both vest and jacket).
Feckless, weak, pithless, feeble.
Feckly, mostly.
Feg, a fig.
Fegs, faith!
Feide, feud.
Feint, v. fient.
Feirrie, lusty.
Fell, keen, cruel, dreadful, deadly; pungent.
Fell, the cuticle under the skin.
Felly, relentless.
Fen’, a shift.
Fen’, fend, to look after; to care for; keep off.
Fenceless, defenseless.
Ferlie, ferly, a wonder.
Ferlie, to marvel.
Fetches, catches, gurgles.
Fetch’t, stopped suddenly.
Fey, fated to death.
Fidge, to fidget, to wriggle.
Fidgin-fain, tingling-wild.
Fiel, well.
Fient, fiend, a petty oath.
Fient a, not a, devil a.
Fient haet, nothing (fiend have it).
Fient haet o’, not one of.
Fient-ma-care, the fiend may care (I don’t!).
Fier, fiere], companion.
Fier, sound, active.
Fin’, to find.
Fissle, tingle, fidget with delight.
Fit, foot.
Fittie-lan’, the near horse of the hind-most pair in the plough.
Flae, a flea.
Flaffin, flapping.
Flainin, flannen, flannel.
Flang, flung.
Flee, to fly.
Fleech, wheedle.
Fleesh, fleece.
Fleg, scare, blow, jerk.
Fleth’rin, flattering.
Flewit, a sharp lash.
Fley, to scare.
Flichterin, fluttering.
Flinders, shreds, broken pieces.
Flinging, kicking out in dancing; capering.
Flingin-tree, a piece of timber hung by way of partition between two horses in a stable; a flail.
Fliskit, fretted, capered.
Flit, to shift.
Flittering, fluttering.
Flyte, scold.
Fock, focks, folk.
Fodgel, dumpy.
Foor, fared (i. e., went).
Foorsday, Thursday.
Forbears, forebears, forefathers.
Forby, forbye, besides.
Forfairn, worn out; forlorn.
Forfoughten, exhausted.
Forgather, to meet with.
Forgie, to forgive.
Forjesket, jaded.
Forrit, forward.
Fother, fodder.
Fou, fow, full (i. e., drunk).
Foughten, troubled.
Foumart, a polecat.
Foursome, a quartet.
Fouth, fulness, abundance.
Fow, v. fou.
Fow, a bushel.
Frae, from.
Freath, to froth.
Fremit, estranged, hostile.
Fu’, full.
Fu’-han’t, full-handed.
Fud, a short tail (of a rabbit or hare).
Fuff’t, puffed.
Fur, furr], a furrow.
Fur-ahin, the hindmost plough-horse in the furrow.
Furder, success.
Furder, to succeed.
Furm, a wooden form.
Fusionless, pithless, sapless, tasteless.
Fyke, fret.
Fyke, to fuss; fidget.
Fyle, to defile, to foul.

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