Opening day of the 1999 football season. Features a Tuna Bowl and the return of the Cleveland Browns.
Also, turned out to be perhaps the best day in Boston sports [ths decade as the Red Sox swept the Yankees and Patriots beat the New York Jets.
Spent the afternoon at my gf's parents house had lunch and went to my parents house to eat dinner and celebrate my step mother's birthday. Attempting to do HW but I can't concentrate well, maybe because I am tired, well I have tommorow to do it.

My poor cat Dragonbait got a nice 1/2 inch slash on his leg and is limping, but it only bleed a bit and otherwise is acting normal, *phew*. I wish I knew how he got it, *sigh*.

News 9/12/1999

I got up and went to the mess hall. It was a mess. The teen sleep over was there and the floor and tables were covered with bodies. (They looked dead but you find out otherwise when you step on one)
Evan did a flip down the steps but I missed it but still benefited later. It was totally cool, so I hear.

When we left at about 14:00-16:00 Eric (There were 3 Eriks there. This was the medium one :-) went in our car and Tem42 went in Sammy's car. We all stopped off at Sammy's house and and supper. I got two Battle Droid Star Wars Pepsi Cans (I didn't have those yet) and then we went home. (with Tem42, not Eric)
Now I'm back home now and I'm viewing my new Everything überpowers.

More,Sept. 11,Sept. 13

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