I am looking for a USB cable. It has been floating around my workspace ever since its presence was made obsolete. The cable is a common USB to mini USB; usually, two or three of them will be floating around my room at any given time. But not now.
I am looking for a USB cable, I need it to get pictures off of my digital camera. It is a Sony Cybershot 5.0, and requires a specialised charger which I lost last year; I just recently brought myself to order a new one from Hong Kong. It came in a frayed manila envelope covered eight rectangular stamps depicting gates, flowers, and faces in a stereotypical colourful Chinese manner. There is one hexagonal stamp portraying a cartoonified skyline with many smiling buildings, beneath which is written "Rule of Law". The cable came with a statement of gratitude:
Dear Friend,
Thanks for purchase this wonderful item. I am sure you will enjoy this beautiful item.
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