The best song to
swing dance to. When I hear the first few notes all that matters in the world is dancing, right THEN, to that song. It sustains a pace that lets you spin at what feels like 80 mph on a curvy, two-lane road. (It helps if you happen to be on or near a floor with other people dancing but it doesn't matter, really, as long as you have
space, and it helps if your
dance partner is with you at the time). Several people have said they like to watch me and my dance partner during Sing Sing Sing because we go so fast. I'm surprised one of us hasn't spun off and killed a
spectator. Okay, I did spin off once and land on the floor, spraining my amkle, but no spectators were harmed. Anyway.
(NB: We do not confuse swing dancing with extreme sports. We happen to freak out during this song, but we've also danced with the American Legion folks at the strange mosque hall in midtown Atlanta).