Is there anything more beautiful than a warm summer night on Skyline? You can drive your date up Page Mill Road, demonstrating your driving proficiency. All the switchbanks and tight turns. Trees huddled closely to the road, suggesting an impending accident. Cliffs that fall off into oblivion. Deer that occasionally jump in front of the car. Signs that read "Caution! Twisty roads next 12 miles!" Reach the very top, turn right and hit the gas, streaking along the ridgeline and enjoying the newfound straightness of road.

Then, the payoff.

At the observation point about halfway between Page Mill and Alice's Restaurant, amongst Woodside's multi-million dollar mansions and vineyards, you can pull off the road and see almost the entire Bay Area from San Francisco to San Jose, in a single panoramic view, lit up like a Christmas tree. The air will be crisp and chilly, wind and fog streaming over the hillside directly from the Pacific -- she'll probably ask you for your jacket or sweater. You can stand there for hours, either taking in the view of the cradle of technology and wondering "Will I ever be able to afford a house here?" or alternately "Should I just kiss her?" ....

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