A positionally weak, yet occasionally usefull chess opening. I love this gambit; it's a good one to know. The Sicilian Defense (when white moves Kings Pawn forward two (e4) and black replies with Queen's Bishop's Pawn forward two(c5)) is an aggressive and sound response for black and can be irritating for white because the Sicilian creates a different board than most of the black's replies to e4. Someone who plays the Sicilian has probably studied it and its common variations so I, a Sicilian hater, figured it makes sense to study a rarely played reply to it, which is the Smith-Morra. The Smith-Morra is a variation that, as a white player, takes away some of blacks preparation and lets white avoid the Sicilian board and dictate the game again. However, the Smith Morra is a bit weak positionally. Here is the chess notation.

1. e4   c5
2. d4

So that is the start of the main line. The d4 pawn move is the gambit and it's now up to black whether to take it or not. We are assuming that they will accept the gambit, which in my limited chess experience most everyone does, if they don’t you can punish them because you own the center of the board now.

2. ...  cxd4 
3. c3   dxc3
4. Nxc3

Now you can see the point of the gambit. White has a center pawn and a knight out in exchange for being down a pawn. Below is the main line continuation.

4. ... Nc6 
5. Nf3 d6 
6. Bc4 Nf6 
7. O-O e6 
8. Qe2 Be7 
9. Rd1 

Chess Openings

Sicilian Defense

ECO Chess Codes B2


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