Q: Have you found Jesus?


-- I thought he was with you!

-- Where did you see him last?

 -- Have you checked the lost-and-found?

 -- I thought you put him in your pocket!

-- Not yet, he's found one hell of a good hiding spot.

-- I left him right on the table and then forgot about him.

-- All I have to do to get him to come back is set out a basket of fish and bread in his favorite place.

-- Oh where, oh where has my little Jesus gone? Oh where, oh where can he be?

-- I thought I almost reached him, but I was holding the map the wrong way.

-- I tried putting his address in my GPS but the directions just told me to go straight up.

-- Are you kidding? Heaven is in central Connecticut, and we're in Boise.

-- Look, when Jesus comes back I guarantee you and me and everyone else is going to know about it.

 -- No, but I'll catch that slippery son of a bitch if it's the last thing I do.

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