The Song of Ceber

Argument: Ceber, the hawkwasp, congratulates Queen Fyrness for the defeat of the ants. Fyrness then commands Ceber to go commission the poet Therdy to write a ballad about the defeat of the ants and the glory of Queen Fyrness and her wasps.

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Ceber strong
Said this to her queen:
“Truly the People will not forget this day.
We have lost many friends
Srah, Sachē, Rose, and Ryn
Theanna’s gone too and noble Casta
They have traded       their lives for us
Water walks       the deep wells here.
Climbing the cracks       until the plants grow green.
Droughts cannot find us here!”

The queen said,       “Clear-eyed Ceber,
Sing this song to Therdy
He will inscribe it
He has a good memory,       a good poet
Fair enough to commemorate me.”

Ceber went       Deadly Ceber
Out of battle she knew not her place
Clumsy when not striking
Pretty but not a beauty
Six legs unsure, wings grasping air.
Poor girl!
But she had Fyrness’s respect.
She shied when called a heroine
And cowered from the boys when they came to court.
Her company was battle. Her patron Terite.
The red dragon loved his adopted granddaughter
Bestowing killing graces.
But Elsalay, goddess of the pounding heart,
Had missed Ceber       social grace sought her company not.
She could give speeches:
Many pretty speeches
Had escaped around the queen
But none touched the company.
Terite the lustful did not prepare his devotees for

The Song of Ceber

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