One of the three great playwrights of Classic Greece (the others being Aeschylus and Euripides). Born in app. 497 BCE to a noble family, in the small town of Colonus near Athens. He wrote 132 plays, of which only seven survived. Sophocles was also a priest of the Medicine God, Asclepios.

His surviving plays are: 'Oedipus the King' (aka 'Oedipus Rex' or 'Oedipos Tyrannos'), 'Women of Trachis' (Trachiniai), 'Philoctetes', 'Antigone', 'Aias' (aka 'Ajax'), 'Electra' and 'Oedipus in Colonus'

An old MIT hacker. He placed a bet with a friend that he could visit more locations than any other hacker, and took the sign-in "Sophocles", accompanied by a number indicating how many locations he'd visited before. Sophocles sign-ins have been found numbering well above 1500. Although he might have been prolific, he was not the most creative hacker, and many of his sign-ins have been found in easy-to-access locations. Another hacker, trying to prove that Sophocles was not as impressive as the numbers indicated, took to putting a checkmark over every Sophocles sign-in he found to show that he'd been there too. Today, it is a tradition in the hacking community to "check off" any unchecked Sophocles sign-ins found, and record its location for posterity.

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