A bacterial disease that is caused by the infection of the pharynx by Streptococcus bacteria. It is transferred between children and occurs between the months of October and April. That's because the medium of transmission is mucus, and kids tend to have runny noses during these months. Symptoms include:
  1. Sore throat or red throat
  2. difficulty swallowing
  3. sudden fever
  4. swolen lymph nodes on the neck
  5. nausea
  6. loss of apetite
Strep can be prevented by avoiding contact with those who have it. It is tested for with a throat culture, or by a blood test for antibodies.

If you get strep, don't sweat it; it's rarely damaging, although Streptococcus also causes scarlet fever. The best thing to do is to get some rest, take some antibiotics, and gargle with warm salt water several times a day. Taking an oral pain reliever also helps. Taking a lozenge may aggravate the condition. It should go away within a week.

Thanks to health.yahoo.com

Do you realize you have streptococcus bacteria in your throat right now? This is the same bacterium that is present in extreme cases of strep throat. Yet you may not have strep throat. In fact you may not even have a sore throat.
Well, because the strep bacteria doesn't actually cause strep throat. Strep throat is actually caused by a buildup of toxins in the throat and tonsils. Strep bacterium feeds on these toxins. It is only when this bacteria food builds up that the bacteria is able to flourish and run wild.
In fact you won't get strep throat or tonsillitis no matter how much bacteria you're exposed to until the conditions in your throat are right for them to flourish.

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