This is a really, really good drink. Here's how to make it: 1) Fill Glass with ice, and pour in 1 1/2 oz Dark Rum2) Pour in 1 oz of 151 Proof Rum3) Add a half oz of Orange Curacao or Triple Sec4) Add equal parts of orange and lemon juice5) Shake, and garnish with a lime

This drink rocks! It tastes pretty damn good. Try it sometime.

Apparently, this was a favorite in Shepheard's Hotel in Cairo, the only surviving member of the great British colonial triumvirate of hotels: The King David of Jerusalem (blown up by David Ben-Gurion), Raffles (in Singapore), and Shepheard's. The bartenders were called "bar stewards", and perennially overworked, according to legend, hence "suffering bar stewards", which sounds like "suffering bastard", especially if you pronounce it with a slightly slurry British accent. The drink gets its name either from a) the difficulty of making it, which was a bit more complex than this recipe, or b) its ability to relax even the most frazzled of nerves (as one might expect to have after dealing with a lot of demanding British colonials)....

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