Released in 1999, Pavement's sixth (or fifth, depending on how you count) full length album, Terror Twilight is considered their most "accessible," on account of the higher quality of production and the clarity of sound. Despite Pavement's steady progression towards "hi-fi" (as opposed to "lo-fi"), the songs off Terror Twilight can hardly be called accessible. The unbelievably catchy Carrot Rope is interpreted in wildly different fashions (follow the link for more information), where other, less interpretable songs contain lines such as "Watch out for the gypsy children in electric dresses, they're insane. I hear they live in crematoriums and smoke your remains" (from You Are a Light).

Has Pavement gone soft? You be the judge.

Song List:
Spit on a Stranger
Folk Jam
You Are a Light
Cream of Gold
Major Leagues
Platform Blues
Ann Don't Cry
Speak, See, Remember
The Hexx
... and Carrot Rope

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