A group of fairly balance young chaps led by Neil Innes and Vivian Stanshall, who spent the latter half of the Sixties making beautiful music together. Albums include Gorilla, Keynsham, Tadpoles, The Doughnut in Granny's Greenhouse, and Let's Make Up and Be Friendly.

Their biggest success was the song "I'm the Urban Spaceman". Also known as the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band.

Note for Americans : They're a bit like Frank Zappa, if that helps.

Initially they started out with a couple of the Monty Python crew on a TV programme in the mid sixties called 'Do Not Adjust Your Sets', The Bonzos providing the music for the interludes.
The bonzo Dog Band can be found in the music collections of many a dedicated stoner alongside Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart.

With the obvious exception of Viv Stanshall, members of the Bonzos are alive and well, and still performing music. A number of ex-Bonzos (along with a few uncredited performers who recorded with them in the 60s) have formed a band called the “Bill Posters Will Be Band”, or just “The Bill Posters” to their friends.

You can still see Rodney Slater, Roger Ruskin Spear and Sam Spoons once a month at the Bull's Head pub in Barnes bridge (South-West London). This pub is famous in the area as a trad jazz venue – the Bill Posters' act is more like cabaret. An evening's entertainment will set you back £6.

It's a spectacular evening out – featuring a combination of traditional jazz numbers along with some of the tunes that made the Bonzos famous. They almost allways perform Jollity Farm!

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