The Chair of Taliesin
Book of Taliesin XIII

Surronded by the sea, I am
To the praise of God the Governor
Radiance pervades the brewer,
Over the cauldron of five trees,
And the flowing of a river,
And the spreading of heat,
And honey and trefoil,
And supreme mead intoxicating,
As metal to a warlord,
The gift of the Druids
Profound is the all-sufficient source
Which fully supplied me, the sacred cirlce,
In every evening festival,
When the calm dew descends,
With the blessing of wheat and the suavity of bees,
And incense, and myrrh, and aloes, from beyond the sea;
And the gold pipes communicating,
And glad precious silver, and the ruddy gem;
And berries, and the ocean wave;
And cresses,--the virtue watered by the gushing spring,
And a joint multitude of the herbs of the gentle flood,
And, borne by the effusive moon, placed, cheerful vervain,
And stars of intelligence diffuesd around the moon,
And the wide spread aspect of the pure element;
And below in the moving atmosphere,
The moisture, and the falling drops;
And the increase which succeeds;
And the vessel of glass in the hand of the Pilgrim,
And the strong youth with the rosin of pine,
And the exalted one free from guile,
With the healing herbs where no delusion is,
And Bards with Flowers.
Meet for a sovereign is the Druidic lore.

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