Notes: The bolded stanzas are in the original Old Icelandic. The odd formatting of the lines is preserved from the manuscript.

Fe er frænda rog        ok flæðar viti
        ok grafseiðs gata.
aurum.        fylkir.

Fee is kinsmen’s strife        and flood’s fire
        and serpent’s path.
Gold.                War-band’s leader.

Ur er skyja gratr        ok skara þverir
        ok hirðis hatr.
umbre/imbre.                visi.

Drizzle is clouds’ weeping        and ice-rims’ diminisher
        and herdsmans’ hate.
Shadow/shower.        Leader.

Þurs er kvenna kvöl        ok kletta bui
        ok varðrunar verr.
Saturnus.                þengill.

Thurs is womens’ torment        and rocks dweller
        and Varð-runa’s husband.
Saturn.                Thing-ruler.

Ass er aldingautr        ok asgarðs jofurr,
        ok valhallar visi.
Jupiter.                oddviti.

Ase is elder-father        and Asgarðr’s cheiftann,
        and Valhall’s leader.
Jupiter.                point-leader.

Reið er sitjandi sæla    ok snuðig ferð
        ok jors erfiði
iter.                        ræsir.

Riding is of sitting a blessing        and swift journey
        and horse’s toiling
Journey.                worthy-man.

Kaun er barna böl        ok bardaga för
        ok holdfua hus.
flagella.                konungr.

Sore is childrens’ bale                and scourge
        and rotten-flesh’ house.
Whip.                        King.

Hagall er kaldakorn     ok krapadrifa
        ok snaka sott.
grando.                hildingr.

Hail is cold grain        and sleet-shower
        and snakes’ sickness.
Hail.                        battle-leader.

Nauð er þyjar þra        ok þungr kostr
        ok vassamlig verk.
opera.                        niflungr.

Need is bondmaid’s grief        and hard condition
        and toilsome work.
work.                        mist’s descendant.

Iss er arbörkr                ok unnar þak
        ok feigra manna far.
glacies.                jöfurr.

Ice is river-rind        and waves’ roof
        and fey men’s danger.
Ice.                        Boar-helm wearer.

Ar er gumna goði         ok gott sumar
        ok algroin akr.
annus.                        allvaldr.

Harvest is mankind’s profit        and good summer
        and a ripened field.
Year.                        All-ruler.

Sol er skyja skjöldr    ok skinandi röðull
        ok isa aldrtregi.
rota.                        siklingr.

Sun is clouds’ shield        and shining glory
        and of ice life-long sorrow.
Wheel.                Victorious-one’s descendant.

Tyr er einhendr ass      ok ulfs leifar
        ok hofa hilmir.
Mars.                        tiggi.

Tyr is one-handed aesir        and wolf’s leavings
        and ruler of the temple.
Mars.                        Director.

Bjarkan er laufgat lim      ok litit tre
        ok ungsamligr viðr.
abies.                        buðlungr.

Birch is leafy limb        and little tree
        and youthful wood.
Silver fir.                Protector.

Maðr er manns gaman    ok moldar auki
        ok skipa skreytir.
homo.                        mildingr.

Man is man’s joy        and dust’s increase
        and ships’ adornment.
Human.                Generous one.

Lögr er vellanda vatn     ok viðr ketill
        ok glömmunga grund.
lacus.                        lofðungr.

Water is churning lake        and wide kettle
        and land of fish.
Lake.                        Praise-worthy one.

Yr er bendr bogi     ok brotgjarnt jarn
        ok fifu farbauti.
arcus.                        ynglingr.

Yew is a strong bow        and brittle iron
        and giant of the arrow.
Bow.                        Descendant of Yngvi.

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