The Sith Lords Restoration Project is a video game modding project started around March-April 2005 by a group of fans, known as "Team Gizka". They are creating a modification for the videogame Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, which aims to restore much of the content that was scrapped during development.

There has been some controversy regarding the game's third act, or "endgame". LucasArts pressured developer Obsidian Entertainment to finish the game for a 2004 holiday release, leading many to speculate that the development had been rushed. According to information at, development on the game was started on or around the release of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic in November 2003, and the release was planned to happen on an Xbox console in December 2004. This suggests an approximately 13 month development cycle for the game on the Xbox, in contrast to Bioware having 36 months of development in creating Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the first title of the series.

The game contains a number of bugs, which may cripple the user's experience in some cases.
Some of the content from the game proper appears to be missing, and much of it can be found inside game files.
Obsidian left the PC version of the game with many resource files, which were meant to be used for
the original ending. Files include screen plays, voice-acting, and even hints that there would have been another planet to be explored.

LucasArts urged for a release of the game in time for the Christmas season, which forced Obsidian to cut the ending and remove an entire planet (and related quests) from the game. A few fans attributed the incomplete state of the game with the derogatory title "Knights of the Incomplete Republic: The Glitch Lords." Evidence of the cut content can be gleaned from listening to the 'leftover' sound files in the game folder.

The team has devised a procedure to report and track bugs within the game and within their own
additions (restored content) using the Mantis Bug Tracking System. The Team's project is read-only but is
accessible online.
Some videos have been uploaded to YouTube to show some bits of the work in progress.

Another group, which operates the site, and which is not associated with Team Gizka, has produced a similar mod which aims to bring back to the game the same cut content. A downloadable, working beta of this project has been released. thread on

TSLRP official site
The Team's forum
TSLRP YouTube channel

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