Hold something non-living in your hand--a ring, bowl, cd, hammer, or whatever--and then mangle it somehow. Vent all your frustration upon this inanimate object, allow the things you hate to manifest themselves within it. Don't think about what you're doing. Throw it on the ground, stomp on it, break it apart...

    It hurts me every time I do this. I see the little lifeless thing broken, its innocence shattered by my forgotten inhibitions. I'm a murderer...

(...but how can it be murder when there was no life there in the first place?)

    I'm over sensitive to things such as this. I can rationalize my actions if they are directed towards a sentient being...humans can be faulted in so many ways. I do still feel remorse over the pain I cause an innocent or even deserving person, but when I harm something that has never taken a breath I feel like such a jerk...

    We can give objects attributes which make them transcend humanity...we can make them represent a memory and never leave that perfect moment, we can use them as a symbol of some intangible emotion...

    ...and we can break them completely.

i don't want to cause such destruction, but sometimes i can't help it. and i cry everytime...does that make it somehow less monsterish? broken humans can at least hope for recovery...

Human beings are charmed by sudden, surprising, shows of delicacy and good taste. Many a lovable film-hero/ine, while an assassin, a murderer or just a brute, become lovable because of the sudden love they shows to a child, a dog or even a nice cup of espresso. Non the less, in reality, these charming small gestures cannot replace being kind to people.
I know that what I’m saying is cheap crap, but hamstergirl –while I don’t know where your compassion and where your aggression come from, I wish to remind you that people matter. Objects may not harm you, but in general they’ll feel less if you harm them. Be OK.

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