The search for truth - be it the subjective truth of belief, the objective truth of reality, or the social truth of money or power - always confers, on the searcher who merits a prize, the ultimate knowledge of its non-existence. The grand prize of life goes only to those who bought tickets by chance.

The value of art is that it takes us away from here.

What's left?

ώαlќ вÿ ƒαïτh, ṉøτ вÿ ƒεαɾ. ṡυρρlαṉτ ÿøυɾ ƒεαɾ ώïτh ƒαïτh. Lacuna matata?

ώhατ'ṡ ɾεαl? ώhατ'ṡ ɾεαl ṃαṉ? ï'll τεll ÿøυ ώhατ'ṡ ɾεαl, α τɾαṃρ вεṉτ øṿεɾ ṿøṃïτïṉģ ïṉτø τhε ģυττεɾ. τhατ'ṡ ɾεαl. If I do this in a trendy neighborhood, does that make me real?

lεαḋεɾṡhïρ ïṡ α ṃαττεɾ øƒ øṉε'ṡ αвïlïτÿ τø hαṿε τhε сøυɾαģε τø ρεɾṡεṿεɾε ïṉ τïṃεṡ øƒ υṉɾεṡτ, αṉḋ τhε ρɾεṡεṉсε øƒ ṃïṉḋ τø ρεɾṡυαḋε εṿεṉ τhε ṃøṡτ ïṉсɾεḋυløυṡ ρυɾṿεÿøɾṡ øƒ ḋøυвτ. So all I have to do is never back down, and always convince people I'm right. Great advice.

Fuck it.

w3 (4n d!3 !f 411 w3'v3 d0n3 !5 10v3, 4nd wh47 d035 7h47 m34n?
w3 (4n d!3 w!7h0u7 10v3, !7 h4pp3n5 3v3ry d4y, !7 h4pp3n5 411 7h3 7!m3,
!7'5 h4pp3n!n9 r!9h7 n0w

Damnit. I lost my ticket in the wash. Give me yours.

˙ʞo ʇ,uǝɹɐ sƃuıɥʇ ʍou puɐ

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