A zone in both Metroid and Super Metroid-- this is the lair of the Mother Brain, and the final area you must complete before completing either game. Decorated in a metal-pipe motif. Local enemies include the obnoxious rinkas and the regenerating zebetites, which must be blasted through to get to the end. Also the only place in Zebes where you will find the metroids themselves (the mocktroids in Maridia don't count.) In order to reach Tourain, Samus must first defeat all the minibosses.

Tourian, part of the planet Zebes, as explored by Samus Aran in Super Metroid, revolutionary video game for the SNES.

Tourian is the last area which has to be visited in the game, because it contains the final boss. Only when all four of the principal sub bosses have been defeated can players gain access to Tourian. Inside, there are no puzzles or confusing mazes, simply tests of skill (for example fighting Space Pirates who are all but invulnerable, but must be killed to advance) on the way to the final boss. Then, of course, once that challenge is completed, there is the further hurdle of getting off the Planet alive...

Like the first game in the Metroid series, once the final boss is defeated a time bomb is set off that will destroy the planet. Naturally, Samus doesn't fancy being around when it goes off. To avoid having to call in some Galactic Federation cleaners to scrape her off the walls, Samus has to leg it through territory she has never been in before (right in the hearts of the Space Pirate base), while the usual cliches of alarm sirens go off in her ears. She has a set amount of time to head out of Tourian and make it back to her starship. However, there is a very cool way to get out of the planet very quickly. Much of Zebes is made up of vertical shafts filled with platforms to jump up or down. Samus, when using the speed booster, can unleash the power of the Super Jump, which propels her at insane speeds in any direction. If you can get up enough speed to pull off the super jump up a huge vertical shaft in Crateria (which your escape will lead you through) you can cut an immense amount of time off, and give yourself a much better chance of getting off the planet alive. Still, even if you don't, the time limit is quite generous. However, if you have a good deal of time, then you can pay a visit to the room in Crateria where you first fought the Chozo statue to gain the bombs - a few old friends are waiting for you there...

For map labels, see the pipe links.

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Part of the Super Metroid map project. Many thanks to Servo5678 for his help and encouragement with this project.

Maps made from editing a Super Metroid map found on GameFAQs.com (the map is copyrighted to "Khoro", 2000) with MSPaint, and turned into ASCII with BG ASCII 1.32.

If you spot any mistakes, please don't hesitate to tell me.

See also - Crateria - Brinstar - Norfair - Wrecked Ship - Maridia

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