To those of us who knew him - his
friends - we called him Roy. To others
he was known as that horrible Toxic Boy.

He loved ammonia and asbestos, and
lots of cigarette smoke. What he
breathed in for air would make most
people choke!

His very favorite toy was a can of
aerosol spay: he'd sit quietly and shake
it, and spray it all day.

--Tim Burton

Toxicboy is one of the characters created by Tim Burton for the flash-animated series Stainboy.

Venomous Vermin

Toxicboy : the trading card


Villain HT: 3'1" WT: 81 (after purging) BATS: Envy Him THROWS: Up POWER: Poisonous Projectile Vomit SIDEKICK: Toxic Dog HOME: Burbank, CA (near the airport)

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