A sci-fi book by Samuel R. Delany. One of his more complex books, it takes place on Triton, the moon of Neptune, in a semi-communistic society that places subjectivity before anything else. The main character is a jerk, and eventually switches gender. The book explores a lot of questions about sexuality (the sex scenes are low-key, however). Also see Dhalgren and the Neveryon Series.

A conversational future, narrated by a fool.

Samuel R. Delany is a master of Utopia. His constructions never fail to impose their beliefs and social cosmologies on the reader. Utopian literature exists for one purpose alone - to expose the failings of a present society within the failings of a supposedly perfect one. Trouble on Triton does so, but not by illustrating the failure of his own creation, but rather the failures of those who inhabit it.

Delany's tale is one of a land where there is no poverty, no issues of race or gender, no suffering and infinite creative freedom. No one has to work, and yet most do - not because the society demands it, but rather because it gives those who toil a sense of fulfillment or a sense of advancement within social ranks. Social ranks which are acknowledged by the narrator (Bron) as useless - and yet still desired.

Still more desired by the narrator than an artifical social progress, is the desire to be truly individual. Not a "type" - a concept he constantly struggles with:

"My dear young man," Lawrence had said, "everyone is a type. The true mark of social intelligence is how unusual we can make out particular behavior for the particular type we are when we are put particular pressure."

. . .

"Actually"..."I rather pride myself on occasionally doing things contrary to what everyone else does."

"That's a type too."

In Delany's world, the government exists solely to provide for the existence and welfare of all, yet it never imposes its thought on the citizens. Each citizen elects their own representative in government. Money and even the concept of money is nonexistent. Taxes are irrelevant.

Even the society's laws only apply to you if you choose to let them... According to Bron, one can always expect a certain type to chose to live outside the law.

...And Bron, of course, is unhappy. Like us all.

The strength of Delany's method is not the power of nor the explication of his argument, but rather the ignorance of the narrator under the weight of it. When faced with the ultimate dilemma, our narrator's response is to run in the only way possible - away from his self, and further into ignorance. Deluded that gender is in fact the driving force behind his life, Bron becomes a woman to "see life from the other side" - only to find that Delany's vision of the future is true (at least in the world he constructs).

The problem with the world rarely lies within the world itself, but within the viewer's eyes.

Bron is left with the tragedy that ultimately we all will be left with: that our failures are only our own. The same can be said for our insecurities, illusions, ignorances and denials. The world of Trouble on Triton is a world of true equality and freedom - where the responsibilities of being human and being free rest solely on the individual.

It's not entirely a comforting thought - growing up in a land of welfare, social security and unemployment compensation.

And it hardly needs to be said to anyone who reads Delany, but plot is irrelevant. Ignore it.

Usually, when I am reading a book, I either get into it and read it in a few sittings, or I get bored with it and put it aside. "Trouble on Triton", which I read under the title "Triton", didn't fall into this pattern, instead being a book that I enjoyed reading...but took months to finish, putting it aside for weeks at a time. It is not a typical science-fiction novel, and contains many long pages of philosophical discussion, that, while interesting, is hardly page-turning, pulse pounding suspense.

I first learned of Samuel R. Delany while researching Ace Double Novels, which is what I consider the best science-fiction. Delany broke into the field by writing for Ace Doubles, and the fact that he could write in a restricted, popular format meant that he really earned his bullshit when it came to writing more niche novels like this.

Our protgonist, Bron is a metalogician on a domed colony on Triton, a moon of Neptune. The colonies of Triton are run as a series of cooperative communes and non-coercive government organizations that are described in some detail, without ever giving the reader a complete idea of how the entire thing fits together. Some aspects of the social structure, as well as the technology that makes the settlement possible, are described, but never clearly. (Which is, of course, realistic: in real life, people don't describe the underpinnings of their society with As You Know, Bob asides). But despite the fact that this book was written in the past, and set in the future, it felt comfortable to me. Bron is a techbro, who switches between regaling a female co-worker with his theories of everything to sexually propositioning her and then firing her when she doesn't go along with his proposition. He then meets a microtheater group and slums with them and falls in love with a woman named "The Spike". People play an intricate board game a la Settlers of Catan, and our white, heterosexual protagonist Bron butts heads with his gay and black neighbors. There actually is a plot, with planetary intrigue and sabotaged antigravity and for reasons that I, and the characters couldn't really ascertain, a trip to a hipster restaurant in Mongolia. The book has two appendixes, one of them written out of universe, one of them written in universe, and neither one of them really sheds that much light on what this text was about.

So, for me, I will just say this book is clearly about Portland, Oregon at the turn of the century.

Also, while in many cases I believe in putting aside authorial intent because it is objectively hard to know, in the case of this story, the fact that Delany was a homosexual, African-American man writing about gender and class discrimination means that certain parts of the book that might appear dated should be read as clear social criticism.

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