
A tube top is an article of clothing that consists of nothing more than a tube of fabric. Diameter is variable as the cylinder is usually made of a rather stretchy material. The height of the cylinder can vary depending on how far down the stomach it is wished that the shirt covers. As well as how much the level of the bottom of the shirt is raised by virtue of horizontal chest extensions. Generally it is worn by the female of the species with the seam in the back.


Due to the construction of the garment, breast support devices that use straps as a means of support are not appropriate choices. This limits the user to B.s.d that do not use straps, or to the option of going commando. The device has vast potential for being an attention grabbing piece of attire. Two forms of attention generally grabbed are #1 oggling from sexually interested parties, #2 disgust. The one thing guaranteed will occur are strong responses in either category.

Problems and contradictions

The social stigma attached to the tube top is that if one is wearing one, then said individual must be one (or more) of the following: a stripper, a hooker, an extra from an 80's hair metal video, white trash, fashion inept. It is assumed that the reason for wearing a tube top is sex appeal. That being stated it is worth pointing out that the constant tugging on the top seam of the tube top to raise the garment and keep from exposing the breasts is probably one of the least sexy actions that can be performed while wearing the garment. As there is no way to avoid the eventual sliding down of the tube top, the tug on the top seam is a necessary action. This fact reduces the overall sex appeal of the garment . Also while being worn any activity beyond standing straight up and walking at a slow speed is severely hampered, unless one has little or no modesty.

Field observations

The tube top wearer is a rare sight. Ignoring a possible resurgence in support for the tube top it shall become an even more obscure phenomenon. This is good and bad. Bad because someone with the appropriate chassis for a tube top can make them quite an enjoyable spectacle. The move to fashion obscurity is of a beneficial nature because the majority of individuals who wear tube tops HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO. Especially turqoise colored ones.*Shudder* no one should have to see SO MUCH turqoise lycra... There is also circumstantial evidence to suggest that there is a link between those individuals of a lower socio-economic status and the wearing of tube tops.

Information gleaned from my memory of living deep in the heart of Dixie for many years.

kohlcass informs me: I must disagree - tube tops go beautifully with bra straps of a similar colour, as exhibited in one Sex and the City episode by Sarah jessica parker . This only works well with brightly coloured bras with thin straps (round diameter). Seams are generally at the sides, and it is currently the fashion to wear tube tops that do not display any part of the stomach area. A good quality tube top, ex. Zara, will not slide.

This node made using dann's E2 Offline Scratchpad.

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