Song sung by Eddie Cochran in the film The Girl Can't Help It, a basic twelve-bar blues format tells of a man whose girlfriend lives at the top of a high-rise building with a broken lift so:

I climb one flight, two flight, three flights, four,
five, six, seven flights, eight flights more
Round the twelfth I'm starting to sag, fifteen before I'm ready to flag
And when I get to the top, I'm too tired to rock

While the song's a decent enough rockabilly confection, it would hardly be worth noding except that this was the song that Paul McCartney played for John Lennon after Woolton Village Fete 1957, the day they first met. Lennon was so impressed that McCartney remembered all the lyrics to the complicated song that shortly after he invited McCartney to join his group, the Quarrymen.
And the rest is musicology...

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