Second play in Alfred Jarry's Ubu cycle, translated ats "Ubu Cuckolded". After being routed from Poland, Ma and Pa Ubu arrive at the house of Achras, a keeper of polyhedra. Ubu introduces himself as a celebrated pataphysician, and installs himself in Achras' house, where he institutes his usual reign of terror, which includes impaling Achras.

Ma Ubu, meanwhile, is carrying on with Memnon, leading to an inevitably gruesome revenge by Ubu, which involves further impalement and disembrainment.

Generally the least coherent of the plays, Ubu Cocu nonetheless introduces some nice refinements of the Ubu mythos, including the character of Ubu's conscience: in this play, Ubu has taken to consulting his conscience, a skinny, ghost-like being which he keeps in a suitcase. Ubu finds the advice of his conscience very useful, as doing the exact opposite of what his conscience recommends is very agreeable to him.

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