The Volta Cinema was Dublin's first movie theatre. It opened on December 20, 1909 at 45 Mary Street and is significant because James Joyce, Irish author of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, was a partner in the venture at the age of 27.

In fact, cashing in on this revolutionary concept in entertainment was totally Joyce's idea, though his partners owned other cinemas in Europe. Joyce was teaching English in Trieste at the time, struggling to write, and desperately in need of cash.

The Volta Cinema was very popular at first, but within nine months it began to lose money, possibly because Joyce had agreed to manage the project, yet remained in Trieste, already a slave to his embryonic muse. The partners sold the business at a loss.

For the rest of his life, Joyce was fascinated by the idea of cinema. The holographically visual quality of much of his prose, particularly in Finnegans Wake, where there are also many film references, is a testament to his dedication to forging a "new" art form, something beyond words on paper, something more akin to what we have come to call noding.

Shades of Joyce:

a nice cool glass of Joyce
Anna Livia Plurabelle
Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell
Finnegans Wake
Finn MacCool
Garry Owen
Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker
Issy the Teenage Rainbow
June 16, 2001
Lucia Joyce
Mina Purefoy
Our Exagmination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress
Shem the Penman
Ulysses is not pornography
Volta Cinema

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