
Walking? On pavement?

So? Big deal.


A typical day at work, if not a bit more frustrating than usual. The office winds down in population as the the clock approaches 6pm, and the noise level descends. Another day comes to a close. People pass by, exiting the office to go home, to the Gym, to the Grocery Store...

People living their lives.

My day was ending as well. It was getting dark, but it wasn't quite at the point where the sky was a heavy blanket; it seemed more to be a sheet, backlit by a soft, dimly lit blue light. Definitely bright enough to see, but not yet dark enough to shroud the surroundings. The sun long gone, I left the building to cross the parking lot to my car.

A light drizzle fell from the cloudy sky. It had been raining for most of the day, so the ground was quite wet. Our parking lot is of a newer pavement than the roads, therefore it is darker than the faded pavement. This is accentuated by the rain, giving it a dark, reflective property.

While crossing the parking lot to my car, I kept my head down to avoid rain sprinkling into my face. Far down enough to avoid the rain, but not enough to see my feet. Keeping my eyes on the pavement, I kept walking at a steady pace.

And then.....disorientation. But not quite.

My field of vision was focused on the pavement which, due to its current reflective properties, was the same color and brightness as the sky - as well as the surrounding environment. For the briefest possible moment, the world vanished. I felt as if I were inside nothing. It's difficult to explain, however it was an astonishing experience. I felt disconcerted, along with the sensation of weightlessness, as well as the idea that nothing else existed. I was not scared, more curious than anything. All the cares of the world vanished, if but for a moment. I felt free. Liberated from the world, just floating in the space of my own consciousness. It was amazing, interesting, and the slightest bit confusing - simultaneously.

I realized these sensations for only about an eighth of a second as I continued to my car. I realized what had happened only after it had occured. I doubt I would be able to replicate the experience, as I am uncertain of the factors involved in its creation. Perhaps the frustration of the day played a part, however I can't be sure.

It's one of those things that you can't do if you try. It just has to happen.

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