Noders with high enough merit values may experience a sudden rise in level and/or fewer writeups required to level-up. The Honor Roll is in effect. The objective of this system is to give noders who put considerable effort and care in their writeups a heads-up.

A few details in the implementation have changed since the original proposal of the Honor Roll. The entry level for the Honor Roll is now automatically generated once per day, and it is based on the average merit of all noders with 25 writeups or more. This average merit is updated once per day. The current value given in the statistics nodelet, and Honor Roll and You. Any noder with a merit equal or greater than this value is eligible for the Honor Roll. The gain is dependent on the standard deviation of the average merit, which is also updated once per day. Further details on how this is calculated, and the statistical basis for this system are described under Honor Roll.

In your statistics nodelet, under the experimental section, you may notice a new parameter called level-up factor (LF). This factor, which has a value between 0.5 and 1 determines how many writeups are required compared to the regular writeup requirements from the Voting/Experience System. Noders at the average merit or less will have a LF = 1, which indicates that they need 1x the regular number of writeups to reach the next level. Noders with higher merit values will have decreasing LF values as their merit increases. The minimal value for LF is 0.5, which means that only half of the regular number of writeups is required.

We've tried to avoid any possible bugs and hiccups; please be patient as we're smoothening any further issues with the Honor Roll.


Professor Pi