The kinda wisdom grandmothers impart:

When the moon wears a halo around her head, she will cry before morning and the tears will reach you tomorrow.

It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring. Yes, this old phrase is actually folklore related.

When it snows, the old woman is plucking her white geese.

There's news in the wind! Thanks Grandma, your sense of humour is still intact. I now know that you're referring to the letters on the weather vane spelling out NEWS.

The kinda stuff wise good ole dad would tell you:

Crickets are accurate thermometers; they chirp faster when it's warm and slower when it's cold. This is actually true...if you count the chirps of a cricket for fourteen seconds and add forty to the number, you'll have the temperature.

When ants travel in a straight line, expect rain; when ants scatter, expect fair weather. This might be a combination of two other sayings...people who live in the Ozark Mountains say "Bugs march when the rain is near" and Maine folklore has it that "Flies scatter in good weather."

The higher the clouds, the better the weather. True! High clouds show drier air and higher pressure in the atmosphere. Both conditions are present when the weather is fair.

When the squirrels lay in a big store of nuts, look for a hard winter. False, though people do still pay mind to the squirrels. But some years the just get lucky and find more.

When sheep collect and huddle, tomorrow will be a puddle. Not sure whether this is true or not, but it originates from the old West. Native Americans said it another way: "When the buffalo band together, the storm god is herding them." Anyone happen to know who the Native American storm god is?

When you can just hang your powder horn on the moon, do just that. Native Americans believed this was true. They did most of their hunting when the ground was wet. When the moon's horns were upright enough to 'hang something on one,' they thought the woods would be dry for want of rain. So they hung up their powder horns and stayed home.

Near the surface, quick to bite, catch your fish when rain's in sight. This saying is quite possibly true. Fish in fresh water and in salt water do seem to bite more just before it starts to rain. Any fishermen out there care to comment?

If corn husks are thicker than usual, a cold winter is ahead. Possibly true. Corn grows a thicker husk after a summer of wet, warm weather. Sometimes a cold, dry winter follows that kind of summer. The people of Pennsylvania used to say, "When the corn wears a heavy coat, so must you."

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