"Congratulations! You've decided to be a spellcaster. With that comes great responsibility, a grave, deadly serious study of the darkest arts--"
"When do we learn fireball?"
"The sooner I get through my introductory speech, the sooner we'll get down to the Firing range. Now silence yourself before I decide I need another stone hatrack. Now, it all depends on where you're going to do your post-grad..."
- Dungeons & Dragons ("the old school") - Magic User Level 5
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Wizard Level 5, Cleric if granted by your deity.
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 3rd Edition - Wizard level 5, Sorceror level 6; other situations again requiring the intervention of one's Deity...
- Black & White - ...and any half-decent Deity can cast fireball whenever He wants.
- Nethack - Scrolls are available to the rabble, and if you can read, then you can cast fireball. But are you sure that "VELOX NEB" doesn't mean "genocide self"? To truly learn the spell requires high INT and/or good luck.
- Diablo - Sorceror Level 4, if that's all you ever study. Warriors and Rogues can learn it at levels 7 and 6, but if they really want to cast fireball, they should... well, if there are any of you in the room, see me after class. I've got a cauldron that needs fill--er, scrubbing.
- Diablo II - Sorceress Level 12 (requires Fire Bolt), and you need to have saved a skill point for the spell and its prerequisite.
- Gemstone III - Magic user level 8
- GURPS - Requires Magery skill and Create Fire and Shape Fire spells. There's no "level" involved, but to learn it, you need to spend a heap of character points. (thanks, WWWWolf)
- Soul Blazer - Level 0, for those of you who want to take the easy way out...
- Ultima Online - III Circle, with the incantation: "Vas Flam."
- Magic: The Gathering - costs at least 1 red mana, no 'level' required (of course, to do any damage, you need to put more mana into it).
- Super Mario Brothers - Again, no "level" to speak of required... but you need to knock your head on a brick ceiling, eat a flower larger than your body, and change into white overalls. My scholarly texts are unclear as to whether this constitutes "learning" the spell, or represents a bizarre off-shoot of artifact casting.
- Super Mario RPG - At Level 3, Mario learns "Fire Orb".
- EverQuest - No spell is actually named "Fireball," but several of you may be able to learn things like "Fire Burst" and "Rain of Fire" relatively early in your curricula.
- Vampire: The Masquerade - fireball is a fairly basic "Lure of Flames" spell, acquired at 2nd level.
- Mage: The Ascension - again, no 'level', but at the very least, you'll need Forces 3, Prime 2. If all you ever want to do is cast fireball, you can attempt it now. If your talents lie in that direction, you might even survive the paradox...
- E2 - You want to graduate to WHERE??? Get out! All of you! Get out right now, before I show you a real fireball!
mutter mutter think they know all there is to know about flames... I've got their fireball right here... mutter mutter nate mutter mutter curse mutter dem bones...
Mad props to
cerulean and my college roommate
Sir for helping me with the gory details.