One of my favorite quotes of
Henry Rollins from one of his spoken word CD's: know when people tell you 'when life hands you lemons, make lemonade' I tell em, 'yeah, I like lemons, what else have you got?'...
Here's another one...
...years later, we all graduated high school in 1979...and everyone got to take out a quarter page from the get a quarter page when you're a senior....on mine it said, Future plans: nationwide terrorization. And then, I ripped off Nugent and had :symptoms, terminal gonzolitis. And I bet I'm one of the only people who graduated from that fucking class who KEPT HIS PROMISE...
Ok, so maybe it doesn't have much to do with lemons. But I think Rollins has the right idea about what to do when life hands you lemons over and over. You just keep going.