According to another creation science book, a hollow sphere of liquid water surrounded the earth until it’s collapse which, of course, caused the great flood. The authors of the book illustrated this with a diagram of our globe surrounded by a thick circle – intended to represent this ‘protective sphere’ of water.
I found the diagram amusing, because if taken literally the authors of the book were implying that this continuous mass of water was able to suspend itself evenly around the entire globe with nothing to support it, nor anything at all from preventing vacuum and the sun’s rays from boiling it into space.
Before it’s collapse, this shell of water acted like the glass of a greenhouse, keeping harmful radiation out and warmth in. This accounts for why dinosaur bones have been found in cold parts of the world – less than a few thousand years ago the earth was considerably hotter.
This also accounts for the exceptionally long lifespan of some of the early characters in the Old Testament. The lack of radiation meant that these people stayed healthier than longer.