Incorporated in California in 1966, the "Hewlett Foundation" is a creation of William Hewlett, his late wife Flora Lamson Hewlett, and their eldest son Walter B. Hewlett. William Hewlett, of Palo Alto, is one half of Hewlett-Packard, of course, and has a lot of money.

The Foundation's "broad purpose," as they state it, is to "promote the well-being of mankind by supporting selected activities of a charitable nature, as well as organizations or institutions engaged in such activities." They are specifically interested in education, performing arts, population, environment, conflict resolution, family and community development, and US-Latin American relations. Based in Menlo Park, CA, they also have a certain amount that is reserved for San Francisco Bay Area projects.

Their most recent headliner was the largest recorded gift ever given to a school, which was $400 million granted to Stanford's Arts and Sciences program and undergraduate program. Think you have a worthy cause too?

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